No-one aspires to run a big bloated business

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Getting fat is easy. An extra (packet!) of biscuits with your mid-afternoon brew. Snacks on the go. Skipping the gym. Over time all the calories and lack of exercise add up to expand your waistline, and potentially place your health at risk.

The same is true in business.

When your focus remains on maintaining business-as-usual, unhealthy habits can creep in. Cumbersome processes, political workarounds, operational silos, irretrievable data insights, competitive conflicts…the list goes on. Left unchecked, the lean mean fighting machine you founded all those years ago will transform into an obese slob, incapable of performing the most straightforward task because it requires the exertion of too much effort.

And it’s really easy to find yourself in that situation because the changes do creep up on you:

Increasing headcount: a good sign of growth and great for diversity of thought, but leading a 50-person business is very different to leading a 200-person business.

New product ranges: a great show of innovation, but are developments based on data analysis from your actual customer? Or the desire of a senior manager?

Advanced technologies: a welcome addition to support data-driven decision-making and operational efficiencies, but each new tool adds complexity and potential risk.  

Partnerships: a smart way to scale and enhance your offering, but it requires effort to nurture those relationships to extract the most value from them. 

Take a moment to think about your own organisation and ask yourself:

  • Can data flow seamlessly between systems? Or do you still rely on spreadsheets?
  • Are cross-functional teams working towards a shared goal? Or tied to other priorities? 
  • How easy is it for someone to spend £1,000?
  • Is the majority of your time spent working ‘IN’ the business? Or ‘ON’ the business?

While the majority (92%) of C-level executives think organisational agility is critical to business success, just over a quarter (27%) consider themselves to be highly agile – and they believe this places their business at a competitive disadvantage. The last thing any business wants is to be old, fat and bloated because it slows the pace of your organisation, leads to inefficiencies and duplicated efforts, diverts your focus from what’s really important, and ultimately threatens the future of the business.


So are you tired of feeling bloated?

Need quick results?

Want to ensure the change sticks long-term?


Trim down to size with the Speed to Value Accelerator   

The Speed to Value Accelerator is perfect for any organisation that wants to trim the fat. We guarantee results in 90-days AND ensure you keep the excess weight off long-term (they’ll be no creeping back to those unhealthy habits!). There’s no need to invest in new shiny tech, you don’t have to disrupt business-as-usual, and your people will stay excited and motivated throughout. As one happy CEO said, “I don’t see any other way of working in the 21st century.”

So how does it work?

It’s no secret that small organisations are more agile than larger enterprises. When you’re in ‘startup mode’ everyone is close to the vision, jumping in to get things done (even if it’s simply ordering milk), and if something is broken or not working as intended you quickly fix it or experiment with something new. However, this agility starts to plateau once you hit about 200 employees. At this size and scale, you need systems and structures to help organise how the business operates – but it’s this governance and bureaucracy that slows the business down.

To grow and maintain agility requires you to retain this start-up mindset. We achieve this through our Speed to Value Accelerator. A vehicle for change, it is designed to move your business from its current state to a new agile way of working blueprint, which is right for your organisation (no cookie-cutter approaches). 

Focus on outcomes: traditional KPIs and outputs don’t tell you how to continuously improve and fine-tune your operations. Switch to outcomes, and everyone is always working towards a shared goal.

Break change down: attempting to reinvent an established business as a lean startup is destined for some major challenges and a high probability of failure. But focus on what can be achieved within the next 90-days and you deliver regular value to the business quickly.

Iterate for sustained change: use emergent strategy to enable the business to deploy different tactics to tackle challenges and prioritise opportunities as they arise. We also coach and mentor your people to ensure you can lead change long after we’ve exited.

Be ChangeReady: from data-driven decision making to true cross-team collaboration, the right leadership, operating model, and supporting IT infrastructure – once agility is embedded into the way you work, you remain ready and able to act quickly. 

Why now?

Why not? Highly agile organisations benefit from 30% gains in efficiency, customer satisfaction, employee engagement, and operational performance, a 65% increase in financial performance – and they are 5x to 10x faster so can adapt to changing macroeconomic factors quicker.

In just 90-days your world could look very different.

Find out more about how we transform organisations into lean mean fighting machines.

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