Transforming Twitter: The importance of an aligned leadership team

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It is widely understood that effective business transformation must be sponsored by those ‘at the top’. That’s why an aligned leadership team is pivotal to the success of business change.

Our CEO, Pat Lynes, was recently asked his views on the news that Elon Musk was standing down as Twitter CEO. Now Linda Yaccarino has officially started her new role, read his thoughts here…

What are the main steps that the new Twitter senior management team could take towards reassuring advertisers, and attracting new ones?

The new Twitter senior management team must prioritise specific actions to address concerns and revitalise the platform’s advertiser base. Transparency will be crucial, with detailed analytics and insights provided to advertisers for better campaign performance understanding. Strengthening brand safety measures, such as improved content moderation and enhanced filtering, will ensure ads appear alongside appropriate content and reassure advertisers for whom this a concern.

There needs to be innovation in the advertising strategy – expanding targeting options and introducing new ad formats, like video or interactive ads, will cater to diverse advertiser needs and there’s excitement about how AI can help with this. Building strong relationships, offering educational resources, showcasing success stories, and addressing privacy and data concerns are also vital steps. While some advertisers have left, Twitter has a significant opportunity to attract fresh advertisers and target different demographics through these strategic initiatives.

What should be the focus of Twitter’s new brand identity?

Twitter has the chance to reinvent itself entirely and transform into an even better version of the well-loved platform it was before Musk. Whether you buy into Musk’s work ethic or not, he has highlighted how bureaucratic and bloated Twitter has been and that streamlining the business is what it needed. One of Yaccarino’s first major projects as CEO will likely be to build on this by monetizing it and adding more functionality with users at the heart.

Can the new CEO separate Twitter from Musk? Do they need to separate themselves from Musk?

It’s been reported that Yaccarino will now run the business while Musk will focus on tech and product development. This makes sense – she is seen as the right person from a business standpoint to help Musk steer Twitter in the right direction. Her expertise, strong connections within the advertising industry, and professionalism are considered valuable assets that can benefit the platform and provide stability to its people throughout this change and towards growth and successful transformation, while Musk’s ‘genius’ can help develop Twitter into a more usable product.

We have to believe that Yaccarino won’t be a ‘puppet’ with Musk pulling the strings, and is allowed to crack on and get Twitter into a great place. This is an important new hire that will set in motion the future direction of the business as well as further championing diversity of thought on the platform.

What should Twitter do about Twitter Blue/paid usership?

I think a lot of unnecessary fuss is being made about the Twitter Blue. Paying to verify your account and having a more streamlined way to build your online following is no bad thing, and seeing less ads makes for a better user experience, and from a business point of view allows Twitter to make a profit that can be reinvested into further enhancing the platform.

Are there any other big issues you can think of that need addressing?

There’s no doubt Elon Musk is a polarising character. Musk is not superman although he wants to be. It is unrealistic for him to be at the helm of each one of his businesses especially when he has likely already put the strategies and important work of his other businesses on hold. And he got a lot of backlash for his decision to ‘censor’ Twitter in Turkey ahead of their presidential election. As governments across the world look to update their online laws and policies, Twitter will always have to think about how they will adhere to any legislation changes or risk the complete absence of the platform in a specific country. He’s chosen his most favourable outcome in this situation to comply with the regulations, inform the users, and maintain transparency regarding the process, but there’s the risk of a ‘one rule for them, another for us’ mentality which opens up a whole other can of worms.

Pat Col Circle Down
Written by Pat Lynes
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