In the next decade, you won’t recognise the world of work. It’s time to future-proof yourself and invest in your knowledge and experience.
People want more choice from their work, flexibility and ownership and in the next 10 years, the majority of people will be achieving this through interim and portfolio working. You need to disrupt yourself and get ahead of the crowd, by taking the jump now. Here are some things to think about before taking the step.
Do I have a valuable network?
When was the last time you did an audit of your LinkedIn network or followed up with connections after a networking event? In the next decade, you’ll only be as good as your network. If you aren’t happy with your current circle, set yourself targets such as meeting three new people a week or attending one event a month and go out and make it happen. You need to build this as a key discipline and network like a pro.
Who have I got in my boardroom?
Anyone who is looking to grow need at least five people in their personal boardroom. Who is on your list? Whether that be your partner, a parent, a mentor, coach, PT or an old boss? These people should not only add value to your overall purpose but genuinely care enough to ride with you on the highs and lows to make sure you achieve your goals.
Do I have someone to guide me?
Becoming an interim isn’t an easy feat, so find someone who has gone through your journey and is willing to mentor you along the way. Once you’re secure and established within your interim role, you can even pay-it-forward.
Am I consuming or creating?
You are only as good as what Google and LinkedIn say about you. As the next generation starts to enter the boardroom, if they can’t find you online, you don’t exist. You need to stop consuming other people’s content and start creating your own. A good entry point to start raising your profile is blogging about something that engages you or that you’re passionate about. It’s as simple as recording yourself on your phone speaking about a topic, sending it off to a transcribing site such as and then finessing before posting online.
What are my giggable skills for the future expert economy?
You will become jaded with the corporate machine at some point, so know your strengths and weaknesses. I’d suggest inviting between three and five people you trust to lunch or dinner and asking them to give a 360 on your expertise. This will uncover your key and natural skills, as well as what you love doing. From this, you can build your interim or portfolio career – and your brand and network – around what you want to do and what you’re good. Most people I speak with, don’t realise the vast mountain of knowledge they are sitting on and it’s only once they put themselves out there, do they see their potential.
The world is changing and the future of work is just on the horizon. If you are looking to take the step to interim or portfolio whether you feel prepared or not, get in touch and I’d be happy to meet over coffee to discuss next steps.